Behavioural medicine service for dog and cat
Established in 1998, the Outpatient Clinic for Dog and Cat Behavioural Problems is a centre where veterinary perform specialised behavioural examinations for the diagnosis and treatment of behavioural disorders in dogs and cats.
The examinations take place at the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Milan (Via dell’Università 6, 26900 Lodi).
The Behavioural Medicine Service is available to all dog and cat owners who wish to carry out a behavioural examination with their pet and to all Veterinarians who wish to collaborate to offer an additional service to their clients. The Veterinary Behaviuorist you can meet at the Behavioural Outpatient Clinic are: Prof Clara Palestrini, Dr Simona Cannas, Dr Manuela Michelazzi, Dr Elisabetta Scaglia.
To book a visit, simply send an e-mail to or visit the service pages on the Veterinary Hospital website.

Consultancy service
The research group also carries out expert reports and consultancy in the field of various animal welfare issues.